ISSN 2080-9573

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Paweł Mikuła
Some remarks for clarification of the term „tax law formalism”


The term „tax law formalism” is relatively often used in academic or journalistic debate (or in court rulings). Analysis of the term’s content leads to interesting reflections concerning tax law (and law in general). The aim of this paper is to conduct some strands of such analysis and to contribute to clarification of this term. In order to achieve this, reflection on formalism of law was led in three directions.
First, the term formalism as making legal decisions based on „pure” legal premises (in contrast to premises laying outside the law) was discussed. In particular, the meaning explored by Patrick S. Atiyah and Robert S. Summers in „Form and Substance in Anglo-American Law” was described and its manifestations as authoritative, content, interpretative, mandatory, truth, enforcement formality.
Second, the term formalism as a preference for certain interpretative reasons (language, narrowing, reduction) was indicated.
Third, three denotations of formalism characteristic for tax law were analysed: preference for “form” of economic transaction rather than its “substance”, basing tax law on rules rather than principles (or other standards), intensity (restrictiveness) of tax instrumental (formal) obligations.
In “supplement” to the article remarks on the third meaning mentioned above was broadened – namely the one connected with instrumental obligations in tax law.



  1. Atiyah P.S., Summers R., Form and substance in Anglo-American law: a comparative study of legal reasoning, legal theory, and legal institutions., Clarendon Press, Oxford 1987.
  2. Filipczyk H., Zasady i reguły, Pewność prawa podatkowego a ślepa ulica konkretu, Projekt do dyskusji, publ., 2015.
  3. International Fiscal Association, General Report, Substance over form, 2002.
  4. Matczak M., Summa iniuria. O błędzie formalizmu w stosowaniu prawa, Warszawa 2007.
  5. Pałecki K., Społecznie oczekiwany wzorzec orzekania sądowego [in:] Sądy w opinii społeczeństwa polskiego, K. Pałecki (red.), M. Borucka-Arctowa, Kraków 2003.
  6. Schauer F., Formalism, The Yale Law Journal, zeszyt 97, nr 4/1988.
  7. Weisbach D.A. [in:] Weisbach D.A., Formalism in the tax law, The University of Chicago Law Review, zeszyt 66, nr 3/1999.
  8. Zander M., The Law-Making Process, Butterworths, London 1999.

Key words: tax law, formalism

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