ISSN 2080-9573

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Marcelina Domagała
Premises for discharge of liability for capital companies’ tax arrears by members of the management board




The tax liability of members of the management board applies in the situation where the company does not settle its tax liability in due time and where the execution against the company’s assets proves to be fully or partially ineffective. On the one hand, this legal structure protects the fiscal interest of the State Treasury, and on the other it encroaches on the constitutional protection of the right of property. Against this background, premises for discharge of tax liability deserve special attention. Significantly, these premises are largely related to discharge of duties of the management board arising from bankruptcy and restructuring rules. Pursuant to article 116 par. 1 point 1 letter a) and b) of the Tax Ordinance 1997 a member of the management board may extricate himself from the tax liability by showing that a bankruptcy petition was filed in due time or that at that time a ruling on opening of restructuring proceedings or on the approval of an arrangement in the proceedings in the matter of approving the arrangement was issued or that the failure to file a bankruptcy petition was not through his fault. Due to the fact that the above mentioned premises should not be evaluated only on the basis of the provisions of the Tax Ordinance, a number of regulations of bankruptcy law and restructuring law were also taken into account in the analysis process. In addition, the rich case-law in this area was mentioned. Finally, the premise of disclosure of company's assets, the execution against which would enable the satisfaction of the company's tax arrears to a significant extent (article 116 par. 1 point 2 of Tax Ordinance 1997) was presented. The analysis of premises for discharge of tax liability carried out in this particular way enabled the author to try to construct the postulates of their amendment and clarification, and also allowed for a subjective assessment of the currently applicable regulations.



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key   words: third   party   tax   liability,   member   of   the   management   board,   capital company, tax arrear

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